budget division -九游会登录j9入口

name: budget division

address: no. 69 taoyuan road, nanning city

tel: 0771-5336932

person in charge: deng yihong

duties: studying major issues arising from economic, social and fiscal affairs, providing suggestions on fiscal policies, fiscal systems, fiscal and tax reform as well as rules for budget management, and preparing medium-term fiscal plans; formulating and implementing five-year financial development plans, and monitoring and evaluating the implementation and results thereof; preparing draft annual budgets and budget adjustments of the autonomous region; leading work related to budgeting, reviews, approvals and replies at the autonomous region level, setting government fund budgets and managing the operations and budgets in connection with state-owned capital; leading work related to annual government non-tax income budgets of administrative and public institutions directly under the regional government; organizing the construction of the expenditures standardization system at the autonomous region level and managing the project library; handling financial transfers and  payments; formulating and implementing rules for performance-based budgeting management.
